Thursday, November 26, 2009

Heavy Hearts

God Bless to all - Dad passed away on Sunday, November 22, 2009. Melissa and I were with him and he was so peaceful. We had a beautiful Wake and Funeral Mass to celebrate Dad's live on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers. His obituary is available for viewing at: Chermok Cuneral Home ( David City).

Friday, November 20, 2009


(Pictures ... Christmas 2006 - our two oldest ...)

"Please continue to hold my dad in prayer. Don't know if he's just having a few 'bad' days or if the disease process has taken another turn, but he has been very lethargic the last 48 hours and has experiences some labor in breathing and such. Again, God's will be done ... but short of His will including a miraculous healing HERE on earth, I just pray for peace and wisdom in continuing to love and care for him through this transition to eternity. I have felt the strength that comes from all your support and prayers, thank you."

This was sent as an email from Melissa. We share with you from our hearts and appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Dad was blessed to have a couple of stronger days earlier this week. His friends the Curtis' flew in for a visit and he enjoyed having the extra company. We appreciate too the many Birthday wishes that were sent and phone calls made to brighten his day.

MJ and Crew

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday Post ONE!

More pictures to follow!

Halloween FUN!

A picture is worth a THOUSAND WORDS and this had me giggling! "Jason" is M's 2nd oldest and the actor Howie will be claiming his award soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Caleb's First!

Proud of Caleb - the Warrior. He shot his first deer this year! Way to go! Birthday pictures from last week will be coming soon, but this was too cool not to add to the blog! (Click on the image to enlarge!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


SOMEONE has a birthday on Saturday ... do YOU know who? You are right - Bapo, HT, Howie, Howard, Grandpa ... choose your poison - same guy. If you have a moment I am sure that he would enjoy hearing from you and being showered by friends/family happy thoughts.

The building is nearly done ~ I need to get the camera out, but I have been busy planning Camryn's celebration too.

Have a great week!

The address is on the right hand side of the blog!