Saturday, August 29, 2009

Really ... we ARE here!

(Click on image to enlarge!)

So sorry for the lag in post dates. We ALL just finished up our first FULL weeks of school...Nebraska and Missouri. Personally, I am enjoying my teaching job and Shayna is adjusting and enjoying 5th grade. Our little ones are adjusting to full-time daycare. Camryn lives for her "days off" (don't we all). I will need to get a report from the Y clan to know how their first week went. I spoke with Melissa quite a few times this past week and there were never any POOR reports, so I am trusting all is well at St. Mary's and Aquinas.

The building continues to go up - the forms are in for the "curb" and the holes have been dug and have captured some frogs for good measure. I will try to get some pictures today and get them posted in the near future. The little ones and I are heading up to see Bapo today, and I will TRY to remember my camera to take some pictures of Dad and his best buddy, Jet. His visits are always a highlight to Dad's day (he enjoys us too!).

The picture collage is from last weekend when M, B and crew were down. M and I had a nice visit with Dad while G and B took the kiddos to Trails West to watch a magician show of some sort. Cale is missing from the group picture because he has had a cough and running nose and we didn't need to pass that on to Bapo. He went home for a nap with Gary. The beautiful flowers are from the Haselhorst family ... thank you so much. We have appreciated visits from Dad's friends and our family too. If you are wanting to visit - give M or I a call ... or drop a note here and we will get in touch with you.

He is going to be moving, but you are going to have to wait to find out to where!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Amazingly enough our Internet is working in the evening! Whew - this has been an interesting go with technology. Nonetheless ... here we are with an update.

Jet was able to spend the majority of the day with Dad yesterday. He did take some time to visit some of the other residents, but his main intent of giving Bapo good cuddles was well carried out. When he came back to our home he ran around outside like a mad man - good times for both of the friends and it WILL be repeated...maybe this weekend Jet will go for a visit.

School has started both in Nebraska and Missouri. With the beginning of school this year comes the beginning of my teaching career (again, for the 3rd time). I am teaching sped k-5 in two schools in the Savannah School District. Although this has seemingly been the longest week yet - things are going well. Shayna got off to 5th grade without incident this morning and I groggily delivered the little ones to our friend's house (thanks Jessicca!).

I was able to spend time with Dad both yesterday and today. The girls and I went up for a visit this evening and Camryn stood in the "hug line" (she always makes one) 3 times - too cute. Even when she squeezed Bapo a bit hard and caused some pain his sweet self said, "she is just a kid - aren't you?"

More updates soon, hopefully. The building is in a holding pattern as we are getting a lot of rain as of late. Our neighbors were wondering if we were going to have a mud pie party! At this point I think it would be a sloppy success!

God Bless you. Thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Please keep us all in your prayers as we keep our friends in family in our prayers too!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Settling Dust

Coming together ... corner piecesJet - supervising for his "Dad" - he seemed pleased.

Literal and figurative! The dust has settled around the building front - with the help of a few rain drops, and as of today they are moving forward. I am surprised that not more was done today, but we will take what we can get. There is a technical term, I know, but for now - I will just report that "corners" have been marked. It was getting dark when I finally got pictures taken, but hopefully you can see the progress and the big hill that has been created for Dad's building. We are hoping that he can come out and see the progress sometime soon.

One day at a time! Sure wish I had more time to be with Dad, but I am starting a new teaching career this year. I will have a "split personality" and be at 2 schools, so that means to classrooms and such to prepare and prep. Whew! At times like this I sure wish there could be more of me! I cherish the time I do have with Dad and I KNOW he enjoys our visits as well. He walked down to the birds with us Monday and today he enjoyed a visit from Jet!

The Curtis family from Wichita came and visited him today - thanks ... it was nice to have you visit. If you are wanting to visit, please let us know and sincerely we have room for you to crash!

Thanks for checking in - I hope you are all well. One day at a time!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Moving Forward!

Dad is doing well and settled in his room with as much as the comforts of home as we can supply. Jet is able to visit and Melissa and family were able to take him up for many visits this weekend as they were on vacation in Kansas City this past week/weekend. I will have to try to get some pictures of their adventures to share with all of you.

We spent the weekend at a Higer Reunion in Nebraska and had a nice time relaxing and catching up with the crew from Colorado, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. Saturday was HOT and we went over to Mahoney State Park to play at the water park - we only misplaced Cale for a short time (whew ... I stayed rather calm, but scarely no doubt), and we all had a great time in the wave pool. I LOVE kiddo giggles - nothing much better than those belly laughs!

More pictures to come soon, but wanted to update those of you who check. Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes - Dad enjoys hearing from you - as do we!

Thanks and check back soon for some more pictures and updates as Dad continues to gain strength and build his way back home!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

TODAY is the Day!

He is moving .... today, Thursday, August 5th.
I am sure Dad is ready for some new scenery - he has been in the hospital this go around too long! He will be receiving Physical Therapy at the Living Community (address on right side bar) to help regain strength before coming back home. Jet has been able to visit dad up at the hospital a few times and will be able to lick on him, oops, I mean love on him up there as well. If YOU are wanting to visit let us know - we would gladly open our home to Dad's friends as well ... I don't THINK he has any hoodlums that we couldn't handle!

The building is moving forward - I hear the machinery working as I type. I will add more pictures soon (our internet has been having issues, so bear with me) - there are a lot of BIG trucks and such out there, so I think we will be making progress even though they keep "bankers hours".

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

He's on the move ... again!

Good day and thanks for checking in on Bapo!

He is on the move - over to Gary's place of work, actually. Dad is moving over to the Living Community of St. Joseph, today, Tuesday. He will be receiving physical therapy and is able to continue the use of morphine to manage his pain.

Melissa and family were down last weekend and due to our internet service being goofy I didn't get to post much or pictures, so I apologize.

The building is moving forward ... there is a lot of dirt to the north of our house - pictures to be posted soon. I hope Dad is able to come home soon to see the progress and watch over the construction to make sure it is just right!

Pictures of the Yindrick crew: