Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Settling Dust

Coming together ... corner piecesJet - supervising for his "Dad" - he seemed pleased.

Literal and figurative! The dust has settled around the building front - with the help of a few rain drops, and as of today they are moving forward. I am surprised that not more was done today, but we will take what we can get. There is a technical term, I know, but for now - I will just report that "corners" have been marked. It was getting dark when I finally got pictures taken, but hopefully you can see the progress and the big hill that has been created for Dad's building. We are hoping that he can come out and see the progress sometime soon.

One day at a time! Sure wish I had more time to be with Dad, but I am starting a new teaching career this year. I will have a "split personality" and be at 2 schools, so that means to classrooms and such to prepare and prep. Whew! At times like this I sure wish there could be more of me! I cherish the time I do have with Dad and I KNOW he enjoys our visits as well. He walked down to the birds with us Monday and today he enjoyed a visit from Jet!

The Curtis family from Wichita came and visited him today - thanks ... it was nice to have you visit. If you are wanting to visit, please let us know and sincerely we have room for you to crash!

Thanks for checking in - I hope you are all well. One day at a time!

1 comment:

Brad & Susan Williams (Prescott, AZ) said...

Glad to see Jet is on top of supervising for his Dad! Let Howard know we're thinking of him and keeping him our prayers for a quick recovery and departure from therapy and back to those who love him most! With much love, Brad & Susan Williams (Prescott, AZ)