Thursday, August 6, 2009

TODAY is the Day!

He is moving .... today, Thursday, August 5th.
I am sure Dad is ready for some new scenery - he has been in the hospital this go around too long! He will be receiving Physical Therapy at the Living Community (address on right side bar) to help regain strength before coming back home. Jet has been able to visit dad up at the hospital a few times and will be able to lick on him, oops, I mean love on him up there as well. If YOU are wanting to visit let us know - we would gladly open our home to Dad's friends as well ... I don't THINK he has any hoodlums that we couldn't handle!

The building is moving forward - I hear the machinery working as I type. I will add more pictures soon (our internet has been having issues, so bear with me) - there are a lot of BIG trucks and such out there, so I think we will be making progress even though they keep "bankers hours".

1 comment:

Brad & Susan said...

Brad and I are happily watching your progress as you move out of the hospital and into physical therapy. We pray for you and think of you often...especially when we're riding. Cowboy is such an awesome horse! We LOVE his single foot and he can ride all day long. He's so good with our grandbabies too! We're hoping you'll get strong enough to come back out to Prescott and stay at the Ranch with us for a LONG time! With much love, Brad & Susan Williams